transcription radio vol AWE 1549 Airbus 320 ditching in Hudson River

All times are UTC.

La Guardia ground control
AWE 1549 -20:08- Ground, Cactus 1549, spot twenty eight, taxi please.
GC- Cactus 1549, La Guardia ground, runway four, turn left alpha, hold short of golf and did you call clearance ?
AWE 1549- sorry I forgot.
La Guardia clearance delivery
AWE 1549 - 20:10- Cactus 1549 is squawking seven one three four and we're runway four, three sixty at five thousand.
CD (unintelligible)- 1549 La Guardia clea­rance read back correct, ground point seven, verify information papa.
AW1549- we have papa, thank you, Cactus 1549.

La Guardia ground control
GG-20:12- Cactus 1549 taxi fox­trot bravo, hold short echo just got to hold you for about three minutes for your in trail to Charlotte.
AWE 1549- foxtrot bravo short of echo, Cactus 1549.
GC-20:15- Cactus 1549 follow Northwest you can monitor tower.
AWE 1549- Cactus 1549 follow Northwest monitor the tower,
thank you.
La Guardia local control
LG2o:20- Cactus 1549, La Guardia, runway four position and hold, traffic will land three one.
AWE 1544- position and hold runway four for Cactus 1549.
LG20:24 Cactus 1549 runway four, cleared for take off.
AWE 1549- Cactus 1549, cleared for take off.
LC- Cactus 1549 contact New York departure, good day.
AWE 1549- good day.


AWE 1549-20:25- Cactus 1549 seven hund­red dimbing five thousand.
NYDep- Cactus 1549, New York departure, radar contact, climb and maintain one five thousand.
AWE 1549- maintain one five thousand Cactus 1549.
NYDep-20:27- Cactus 1549 turn left heading two seven zero.
AWE 1549- this is Cactus 1539 hit birds we lost thrust in both engines we're turning back towards La Guardia.
NYDep- OK yea you need to return to La Guardia turn left heading of two two zero.
AWE1549- two two zero.
NYDep- tower stop your departures we got an emergency returning.
LC- who is it?
NYDep- it's 1529 he ah bird strike he lost all engines he lost the thrust in the engines he is returning immediately.
LG- cactus 1529 which engines?
NYDep- he lost thrust in both engines, he said.
LG got it.

NYDep-20:28- Cactus 1529 if we can get it to you do you want to try to land runway one three?
AWE 1549- we are unable we may end up in the Hudson.
NYI3ep- alright Cactus 1549 it's going to be left traffic to runway three one.
AWE 154- unable.
NYDep- okay what do you need to land?
NYDep- Cactus 1549 runway four is available if you want to make left traffic to runway four. AWE 1549- I am not sure if we can make any runway, oh what's over to our right, anything in New Jersey, may be Teterboro?
NYDep- okay yea off to your right side is Teterboro airport.
NYDep- 20:29- do you want to try and go to Teterboro?
AWE 1549 - yes.

NYtracon- Teterboro, empire actually La Guardia departure got an emergency inbound
Teterboro- okay go ahead.
NYtracon- Cactus 1549 over the George Washington bridge wants to go to the airport right now.
Teterboro- he wants to go to our airport check does he need any assistance?
NYtracon-yes he, he was a bird strike can I get him in for runway one?
Teterboro- runway one that's good.

NYDep- Cactus 1529 turn right two eight zero you can land runway one at Teterboro.
AWE 1549- we can' t do it.
NYDep- okay which runway would you like at Teterboro?
AWE 1549-we're gonna be in the Hudson.
NYDep- I' am sorry, say again Cactus?
NYDep- Cactus, Cactus 1549 radar contact is lost you also got Newark airport off your two o'clock and about seven miles.
NYDep- 20:30- Eagle flight 4718 turn left heading two one zero.
EGF 4718- two one zero, 4718, I don't know I think he said he was going into the Hudson NYDep- Cactus 1529 you still on?
NYDep- Cactus 1529 if you can you got run­way two nine available at Newark off your two o'clock and seven miles.
Unknown- 20:31- was that Cactus up by the Tappan Zee (a bridge on the Hudson)?
NYDep- yeah it was a cactus he was just north of the George Washington bridge when they had the bird strike.

la Guardia class B airspace

At 20:27, the controller is in radio contact with two helicopters, N461 SA and N 152TA.

CBA- 20:29- 2TA traffic at your twelve o'clock and five miles southbound airbus three twenty.
NI 52TA we're looking for the traffic 2TA.
CBA- yeah 2TA, he's at nine hundred feet abeam the North Hudson, he's, looks like he is descen­ding into the Hudson river.
CBA- 2TA looks like this may be an incident here.
N152TA- roger keep my eyes out 2TA.
CBA- 2TA he's twelve o'clock and two and a half mile.
N152TA- Got him in sight maintaining visual.
CBA- 2TA roger.
CBA 20:30- 2TA is he still flying?
N152TA- Still flying,
CBA- Thank you.
NI 52TA- flying past the (unintelliglble) right now looks like he getting lower.
CBA- 2TA roger.
N461 SA- going down.
N161SA- looks like he is going down.
CBA- roger.
N561 SA- he's in the water.


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