Recepteur aircom

Un recepteur Aircom c'est quoi ?
C'est un appareil, pas plus gros qu'un telephone, qui permet de recevoir en ecoute uniquement, les ondes radios Fréquences Aériennes.

Ca me sert à m'entrainer, ça peut servir aux spotters, mais aussi en cas de panne radio à bord en vol, mais aussi en meeting aérien.
La portée n'est très grande, mais les grands aéroports ont des emissions assez puissantes, et par ailleurs, les avions à plus de 2000 pieds peuvents etre captés assez bien... meme loin.

David Clark 10-13.4

ça y est... je l'ai... et il est super...
c'est le mien... et il fonctionne sur le jodel ou sur les cessna...
Effectivement le mois de mai démarre mieux, un vol de 55 minutes le 1er et un de 45 minutes le 2 mai.
Si la tenue du plan est à peu près maitrisée, il faut tenir compte du vent, des pompes et des "dégueulantes"...

Il n'est en pas de même pour l'arrondi.... mais le onzième atterrissage a été le bon... un trois points comme il faut.

L'article wikipedia donne quelques infos sur ce type d'avion "classique", assez fin à piloter... mais quel pied !

Avril ne te découvre pas d'un fil

Le proverbe est bien vrai...

deux vols en avril.... le reste annulé pour cause de météo...

on verra en mai...


transcription radio vol AWE 1549 Airbus 320 ditching in Hudson River

All times are UTC.

La Guardia ground control
AWE 1549 -20:08- Ground, Cactus 1549, spot twenty eight, taxi please.
GC- Cactus 1549, La Guardia ground, runway four, turn left alpha, hold short of golf and did you call clearance ?
AWE 1549- sorry I forgot.
La Guardia clearance delivery
AWE 1549 - 20:10- Cactus 1549 is squawking seven one three four and we're runway four, three sixty at five thousand.
CD (unintelligible)- 1549 La Guardia clea­rance read back correct, ground point seven, verify information papa.
AW1549- we have papa, thank you, Cactus 1549.

La Guardia ground control
GG-20:12- Cactus 1549 taxi fox­trot bravo, hold short echo just got to hold you for about three minutes for your in trail to Charlotte.
AWE 1549- foxtrot bravo short of echo, Cactus 1549.
GC-20:15- Cactus 1549 follow Northwest you can monitor tower.
AWE 1549- Cactus 1549 follow Northwest monitor the tower,
thank you.
La Guardia local control
LG2o:20- Cactus 1549, La Guardia, runway four position and hold, traffic will land three one.
AWE 1544- position and hold runway four for Cactus 1549.
LG20:24 Cactus 1549 runway four, cleared for take off.
AWE 1549- Cactus 1549, cleared for take off.
LC- Cactus 1549 contact New York departure, good day.
AWE 1549- good day.


AWE 1549-20:25- Cactus 1549 seven hund­red dimbing five thousand.
NYDep- Cactus 1549, New York departure, radar contact, climb and maintain one five thousand.
AWE 1549- maintain one five thousand Cactus 1549.
NYDep-20:27- Cactus 1549 turn left heading two seven zero.
AWE 1549- this is Cactus 1539 hit birds we lost thrust in both engines we're turning back towards La Guardia.
NYDep- OK yea you need to return to La Guardia turn left heading of two two zero.
AWE1549- two two zero.
NYDep- tower stop your departures we got an emergency returning.
LC- who is it?
NYDep- it's 1529 he ah bird strike he lost all engines he lost the thrust in the engines he is returning immediately.
LG- cactus 1529 which engines?
NYDep- he lost thrust in both engines, he said.
LG got it.

NYDep-20:28- Cactus 1529 if we can get it to you do you want to try to land runway one three?
AWE 1549- we are unable we may end up in the Hudson.
NYI3ep- alright Cactus 1549 it's going to be left traffic to runway three one.
AWE 154- unable.
NYDep- okay what do you need to land?
NYDep- Cactus 1549 runway four is available if you want to make left traffic to runway four. AWE 1549- I am not sure if we can make any runway, oh what's over to our right, anything in New Jersey, may be Teterboro?
NYDep- okay yea off to your right side is Teterboro airport.
NYDep- 20:29- do you want to try and go to Teterboro?
AWE 1549 - yes.

NYtracon- Teterboro, empire actually La Guardia departure got an emergency inbound
Teterboro- okay go ahead.
NYtracon- Cactus 1549 over the George Washington bridge wants to go to the airport right now.
Teterboro- he wants to go to our airport check does he need any assistance?
NYtracon-yes he, he was a bird strike can I get him in for runway one?
Teterboro- runway one that's good.

NYDep- Cactus 1529 turn right two eight zero you can land runway one at Teterboro.
AWE 1549- we can' t do it.
NYDep- okay which runway would you like at Teterboro?
AWE 1549-we're gonna be in the Hudson.
NYDep- I' am sorry, say again Cactus?
NYDep- Cactus, Cactus 1549 radar contact is lost you also got Newark airport off your two o'clock and about seven miles.
NYDep- 20:30- Eagle flight 4718 turn left heading two one zero.
EGF 4718- two one zero, 4718, I don't know I think he said he was going into the Hudson NYDep- Cactus 1529 you still on?
NYDep- Cactus 1529 if you can you got run­way two nine available at Newark off your two o'clock and seven miles.
Unknown- 20:31- was that Cactus up by the Tappan Zee (a bridge on the Hudson)?
NYDep- yeah it was a cactus he was just north of the George Washington bridge when they had the bird strike.

la Guardia class B airspace

At 20:27, the controller is in radio contact with two helicopters, N461 SA and N 152TA.

CBA- 20:29- 2TA traffic at your twelve o'clock and five miles southbound airbus three twenty.
NI 52TA we're looking for the traffic 2TA.
CBA- yeah 2TA, he's at nine hundred feet abeam the North Hudson, he's, looks like he is descen­ding into the Hudson river.
CBA- 2TA looks like this may be an incident here.
N152TA- roger keep my eyes out 2TA.
CBA- 2TA he's twelve o'clock and two and a half mile.
N152TA- Got him in sight maintaining visual.
CBA- 2TA roger.
CBA 20:30- 2TA is he still flying?
N152TA- Still flying,
CBA- Thank you.
NI 52TA- flying past the (unintelliglble) right now looks like he getting lower.
CBA- 2TA roger.
N461 SA- going down.
N161SA- looks like he is going down.
CBA- roger.
N561 SA- he's in the water.


Leçon 14 et 15

Mauvaise période... météo bonne, avion qui marche, instructeur disponible et patient (et dieu sait s'il faut l'être avec un eleve aussi médiocre que ma pomme !!!) .... mais toujours INCAPABLE de maintenir un avion dans l'axe de la piste....

Bref, je me commence sérieusement à me poser la question de poursuivre ou non...

Oscar Juliett